

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

We are now Boston residents

Well we closed on our new home July 29th. It's in West Roxbury (Bellevue Hill). The past several weeks have been a complete whirlwind, but I feel like I'm finally coming out of the fog. The house is beautiful, the neighborhood is lovely, neighbors are SUPER friendly and the kids have started school! We are really loving it all. A special perk is being so close to family. Noni, Grampy and the rest of the Hall gang are able to come to Charlie's soccer games and any other little thing we have going on. The boys have been able to really get to know their cousins Audrey & Courtney (and so have I). It's been really special. Auntie Jess was our first houseguest which was so fun. Grandma Laird came not too much later and Papa & Eggie arrive tomorrow. It's actually Charlie's 6th birthday today! Noni, Grampy and Rah Rah just left - we had an impromptu birthday dinner at our house. Charlie was over the moon. His dinner request was mashed potatoes with gravy & fish sticks. He had that and the rest of us had my homemade bolings. It was a fun night!

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