

Friday, May 27, 2016

Visit from Papa & Eggie

2 weekends ago Papa & Eggie came for their last visit to our home in Arlington, Virginia. We were so happy that it lined up with the same weekend as Charlie's dance recital. He has been taking a dance combo class where he does ballet, jazz, and tap. He is the only boy and there's about 12 little girls but he doesn't mind one bit. We also used this weekend as an opportunity to celebrate Oliver's 3rd birthday a little ahead of time. Papa brought delicious cupcakes!

Preschool graduation

Well my oldest is now off to kindergarten! He had his own personal graduation ceremony at Mount Olivet Preschool today. The rest of the class will graduate next week but we will have moved to Massachusetts! It was so special to have Noni and Grampy in town to celebrate with us.