

Friday, June 19, 2015

Zoo fun

Well Noni and Grampy arrived yesterday and we are already filling the time with lots of activities! We went to the zoo this morning and it was a complete success. Certain animals that we rarely see up close and personal were out and about, like the cheetah and the panda bear. There was also a very cute tiger who was really excited about his first experience with face painting!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Bye bye crib

Well on his 2nd birthday exactly, Oliver climbed out of his crib. We have since (in the 3 days following) taken off the side of the crib, making it a "big boy bed." I was so sad to see that crib go - I love the prison that is the crib! Now we are dealing with his climbing out over and over and over....I know it's a phase and it will get better, but GOLLY I AM TIRED! The first night in his big boy bed we had a date night planned and Auntie Jess was babysitting. She got our guy to bed with no problem! Yay for her!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

My baby turns 2

Well Oliver turned 2 today 😔 kind of bittersweet. Jeremy got home from NY early enough for us to have a cake together to celebrate. As you can tell from the pictures, Oliver adores cake! My favorite picture is of him eating his entire piece in one bite...but at least he's using a fork!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Bathtime is the best time

My kids love bathtime. I was happy to get a couple of good shots tonight. I'm realizing that the bath is getting too small for these long legged boys ❤

Monday, June 1, 2015

Charlie's Promotion Ceremony

Well Charlie had his first (of many) graduation ceremonies in his life. He's headed to the 5 day kindergarten prep program at Mount Olivet preschool. Even though he was feeling under the weather, he was still his hammy self on stage.